ROLEX SEA-DWELLER DEEPSEA JAMES CAMERON REF 126660 Stainless Steel Box Papers Bj-2020
Deutschland | € 100 |
EU 1 Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Italien, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Polen, Spanien, Tschechien, Österreich | € 150 |
EU 2 Bulgarien, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Irland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Ungarn, Zypern | € 200 |
Schweiz | € 350 |
Weltweit | € 550 |
Referenz | 126660 |
Code | A23151 |
Zustand | Sehr gut |
Mit Box | |
Mit Papieren | |
Produktionsjahr | 2020 |
Besitz von | Bachmann & Scher GmbH |
Gehäuse Material | Stahl |
Durchmesser | 44 |
Glas | Saphirglas |
Schließe | Faltschließe |
Schliesse Material | Stahl |
Zifferblatt | Blau |
Zahlen Zifferblatt | Index |
Band Material | Stahl |
Werk | 3235 |
Basis Kaliber | ROLEX 3235 |
Anzahl Steine | 31 |
Aufzug | Automatik |
Gangreserve | 70 |
Wasserdicht | über 1200 m |
Leuchtzeiger, verschraubte Krone, Zentralsekunde, Schnellschaltung, Chronometer, Originalzustand/Originalteile, drehbare Lünette, Leuchtindizies, Heliumventil
We can offer you this very good to excellent ROLEX DEEP SEA SEA DWELLER Ref.126660 in stainless steel on its stainless steel Oyster bracelet.
Coming with:
- original box and over box
- chronometer hang tag
- original warranty card - Germany 2020
- Deepsea manual
- Guarantee manual
- original green leather card holder
- maximum length, 5 removable bracelet links
Forerunner of the now manufactured 136660 with its signature blue dial fading into black that represents the descent into the
abyss of the Mariana Trench.
Professional diver's tool watch with helium escape valve and depth capability of 3900m.
Inside ticking is the automatic ROLEX caliber 3235.
Comes with a one year warranty through our watch lab.
- We buy watches since 1991. -
-- All offered watches are on stock in our store. --
--- Please contact us if you want to sell your fine wrist watch or your entire collection. ---