IWC Vintage POCKET WATCH 18k Yellow Gold Extract of the Archives Bj-1926
Deutschland | € 50 |
EU 1 Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Italien, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Polen, Spanien, Tschechien, Österreich | € 100 |
EU 2 Bulgarien, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Irland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Ungarn, Zypern | € 100 |
Schweiz | € 200 |
Weltweit | € 400 |
Referenz | xxx |
Code | K22868 |
Zustand | Sehr gut |
Produktionsjahr | 1926 |
Besitz von | Bachmann & Scher GmbH |
Gehäuse Material | Gelbgold |
Glas | Kunststoff |
Zifferblatt | Weiß |
Zahlen Zifferblatt | Römisch |
Werk | 66 |
Anzahl Steine | 16 |
Aufzug | Handaufzug |
Gangreserve | 30 |
Zeiger aus gebläutem Stahl, kleine Sekunde, Originalzustand/Originalteile
We can offer you this excellent IWC POCKET WATCH in 18k yellow gold.
Built in 1926 this watch comes with an IWC extract of the archives and a fitting, neutral, box.
With its roman numerals, the small second and the blued hands maybe as classic as a pocket watch can get in near mint condition.
Two part enamel dial under which the cal 66 ticks for nearly a hundred years!
Very beautiful and elegant savonette pocket watch from IWC.
Comes with a one year warranty through our watch lab.
- We buy watches since 1991. -
-- All offered watches are on stock in our store. --
--- Please contact us if you want to sell your fine wrist watch or your entire collection. ---